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Thursday, November 4, 2010

So many friends....

Yeah for me....I have finally reached 100 followers : ) I feel like I should be celebrating. Thanks to Elizabeth at Sew Chatty for coming over to my little piece of the bloggy world. I can't even imagine how some of these blogs have hundreds and even thousands of followers. Would that many people really be interested in what I have to say? I doubt it, but I am going to continue to share with you anyway : )

Have a great day....


Gina said...


LeeAnn said...

Congratulations! I am willing to bet that most of your followers really do follow, and that is what is most important. There are some people that may have hundreds (or thousands) of followers, but how many READERS do they have? You have a great blog, and a great readership. Keep it up!

AllieMakes! said...

YaY! Very cool! And I completely agree with LeeAnn, quality (rep-readers) not quanity...

Shannon said...

Yay for you Jennifer! That's awesome! You're so like those bloggy friends and comments! Hey and thanks for my badge for Persnickety on your sidebar...You're terrific! Let me know if you ever need anything! ;)

Carol said...

Congrats! Isn't that an awesome feeling! I agree with LeeAnn...I think it's often better to have more readers and bloggy friendships than a massive number of followers!