I am a day late and a dollar short here….LOL! We went to a 70th birthday over the weekend and I just had to share the cake. I am hoping I look this good at 70!! Have a great day!!
I have had a revelation. A truly life changing one. One that I wished I would have had 20 years ago. It is…. “EYESHADOW PRIMER”
On my last shopping trip to my favorite store, Target, I was browsing the make-up aisle. As we all sit there and get totally overwhelmed by the millions of choices, I struck gold. I am not that picky when it comes to make-up. There are times I spend way too much money on certain items and there are times I will buy the dollar store eyeliner. If it works, that it what is important…not how much it costs.
My pot of gold is this…. N.Y.C Individual Eyes Eyeshadow
It comes in different color palettes to match the color of your eyes. I loved it so much that I went back and bought all of the palettes regardless of the eye color it matched…LOL!
The awesome thing here is that it includes eyeshadow primer. I have never used primer before and I am totally amazed how great it works. Your eyeshadow stays on the entire day without fading or smudging. It is totally fool proof as the outside of the case tells you where to place all of the colors on your eyes.
It totally can help you to achieve this…
The best part of the whole thing, each color palette costs less that $5!!
My sister sent this to me and I had to share. The story it tells is one that we should all live by.
HOW TO STAY YOUNG 1. Throw out non-essential numbers. This includes age, weight and height. Let the doctors worry about them. That is why you pay 'them.'
2. Keep only cheerful friends. The grouches pull you down.
3. Keep learning. Learn more about the computer, crafts, gardening, whatever. Never let the brain idle. 'An idle mind is the devil's workshop.' And the devil's name is Alzheimer's.
4. Enjoy the simple things.
5. Laugh often, long and loud. Laugh until you gasp for breath.
6. The tears happen.Endure, grieve, and move on. The only person, who is with us our entire life, is ourselves. Be ALIVE while you are alive.
7. Surround yourself with what you love , whether it's family, pets, keepsakes, music, plants, hobbies, whatever. Your home is your refuge.
8. Cherish your health: If it is good, preserve it. If it is unstable, improve it. If it is beyond what you can improve, get help.
9. Don't take guilt trips.Take a trip to the mall, even to the next county; to a foreign country but NOT to where the guilt is.
10. Tell the people you love that you love them, at every opportunity. AND ALWAYS REMEMBER: Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.
As you know, last Friday Christopher had his ‘graduation.’ I knew I was going to be so happy to see my little boy up on stage, singing his heart out. I also knew that my heart would sink as I thought about how it seemed like just yesterday I was taking him for walks in his infant carrier. Sitting in the rocker singing to him as a baby is now a distant memory.
I was not sure what to expect of a Pre-K ‘graduation’ and the school did not tell us much. We went in just hoping for a nice celebration. And of course Christopher wanted to dress appropriately for this special occasion. By that I mean, he wanted to wear a suit. Thankfully I found a suit jacket at Walmart for $17 so I couldn’t help but make the child happy and let him look his best.
Isn’t he so handsome???
We got to school and as we waited to go inside I was able to grab a few pics of him and his school friends. He tends to be quite popular with the ladies…
As we sat in out seats in the hot, un-airconditioned gymnasium, my heart melted as I saw him walk in in his cap and t-shirt. In my mind I was just thinking that it is not going to be long before this is his high school graduation. I need to cherish everyday because the days, weeks and years are just flying by.
For 45 minutes we sat and listened as they sang and sang and sang. Some of the songs had lyrics where ‘the child was talking to their parent’ and as they sang, they pointed to us. That put the lump in my throat. I held back my tears and tried to keep it together.
After the singing was over, they received their ‘diploma.’ Christopher’s face lit up as they called his name. I was so proud of my 5 year old…LOL!
When it was over we said goodbye to his teachers and thanked them for a job well done. We gave them the presents we had made for them (see them on the chairs??) and handed out the goodies to his classmates.
We stayed for a few more pictures and off we went….ready for Kindergarten!!
Happy Monday!! It is the official beginning of summer for us…YEAH!! Christopher had his graduation on Friday and it went really well. I did not cry at all…..I may have had a lump in my throat a time or two, but I held it together. I will tell you all about it in another post : )
Today I just want to share with you what we decided to do for Christopher’s teachers. The class mom had put out a note to all of the parents that she was taking up a collection to get a gift certificate for the teachers. I was going to do it but then decided instead of taking the easy way out, I would make them a gift. This was his last year at the school and one of his current teacher’s he has had before. So, I wanted to do something special.
Good old reliable Pinterest helped me out with a few cute ideas. This was my inspiration….
I thought this was perfect since this year the kids really focused on handwriting and letters. What better way to showcase what he has learned?? The bags needed some color in my opinion so I changed them up a bit.
It was a simple, inexpensive project but it was a tiny bit time consuming. I just took a plain white tote and used some Sharpies to draw the lines to make it look like a sheet of paper. Next, Christopher used a pencil to draw a picture of the teacher and write her name. I then used embroidery floss to go over his work. Instead of black I used colored thread.
Here is what we ended up with…
I filled the bags with some goodies and we were good to go!! The teachers loved them!!
Today is going to be bittersweet. Christopher has his Pre-K ‘graduation.’ I am so excited that he is going to be moving on to Kindergarten and starting this next phase of his life. New experiences, new friends and new beginnings are all just on the horizon. But I am sad as I see my first born child now becoming a real ‘big boy.’ Soon are going to be the days when he doesn’t want me to kiss his boo-boo or hold his hand as we walk through Target. I am thankful that I still have one more kiddo to go through his early years of nursery school : )
This being the ‘final’ day of school, we thought it would be nice to give each of his classmates a little something on graduation day. Nothing too fancy, just a way to celebrate. I have just recently started Pinterest and have had so much fun getting inspired. One of the things I most recently saw were these…
I thought they were perfect to make for all of the boys in Christopher’s class. I used my handy Silhouette to cut out the shapes and we quickly threw a few together. I think they came out cute and it only cost me $1 for the package of pencils.
I knew I wanted to do something different for the girls. My bloggy bestie Allie did a really cute lollipop flower a few weeks ago.
I was going to attempt to do it….but I was limited on time. I took the same concept and did the quicker version…LOL! I saw these at Dollar Tree and knew it would be able to do use them to make a flower.
I cut up the Lei, grabbed a Tootsie Pop and some hot glue and came up with this little number. What little girl isn’t going to like getting a flower from a cute boy??
I also made his teachers a few presents as well. Stop back on Monday to see what we did.
Good morning Monday! Hope everyone had a great weekend. Ours was kind of quiet since the weather was horrible. It rained and was cold. How does it go from 98 degrees and hazy, hot and humid to downpouring and 55 degress?? I will never understand the weather systems…LOL!
I figured it has been awhile since you have heard me babble some of my random thoughts. So today is as good a Monday as any to participate in Miscellany Monday….
ONE.One day last week my husband came home with these… It was nice to get flowers for no reason. It has been awhile since that happened. With two kiddos, my husband’s long work hours and life getting in the way, it was nice to be reminded of how things were many moons ago when we were newly in love…LOL!
TWO.Christopher has only 2 more days of Pre-K left and then his ‘graduation.’ I am excited to see what the kids will be doing. He has tried to keep it a surprise but every now and then he slips up and starts to tell me about a song or two they will be singing…LOL! All I know is that time is flying and I want it to stop : )
THREE.Ok…are we the only family that eats ice cream or Italian ices everyday in the summer?? I swear, as soon as the weather warms up, my kids become ice-cream-o-holics!! It doesn’t help that this guy comes around about 3 times a day….
FOUR.I will sum this story into the abbreviated version. We had new neighbors move, a younger couple that seem to like to party. I have barely spoken to them, but heard through the grapevine that they are getting married soon. Well, the the other night we went for a bike ride with the kids around the block. We see the man moving all of his belongings out of the garage an into his truck. He had a few friends there and they were all taking stuff and packing their cars up too. My husband says to me ‘something shady is going on there.’ I always try to see the good so I am thinking that maybe they are having some work done on the house and they need to move a few things. The next morning I see the girl outside on the phone and she is yelling. Of course I have to go on my deck and see that is happening. I call over to her and ask her if she is okay (she probably thinks I am crazy since I have never spoken to her before..LOL). Well, she was at her final wedding dress fitting the day before and when she came home, the house was completely emptied and her fiance was gone. No note, no phone call, nothing. He took it all. Can you imagine??? They were supposed to be getting married next week. I called the hubs to tell him he was right…there was something shady happening that day!! I am sure there is more to the story that we will never know, but I can’t help feeling terrible for her. I swear, men can sometimes really stink!!! It makes me glad I am an old married lady : )
Hello all….happy Tuesday! It is nice to be back to blogging after taking a little time off in order to pray for those affected by the horrific tornadoes. I hope everyone still continues to say prayer for those in need : )
I am all about hair lately. I guess with the nice weather and the warm temperatures, we all want to make some changes. Buying some new make-up or getting some cute new flip flops always makes me feel better. One thing I have always liked to change though is my hair. I have had really short hair, really long hair and every shade of red and brown! I do not get attached to my hair like some people do. I enjoy being able to change my look through changing my hair. The issue is that my hair is very fine. I somehow did not get the thick, shiny hair that my sister’s got…LOL!
I have always thought about these…
Hair extensions seem so much more popular these days. I know they can be quite costly and I am not going to spend hundreds or thousands of dollars on my head. So I started to so some research and found that there are a lot of cheaper options out there. I went to the local Sally Beauty to look and thought I would try something fun. I bought a drawstring ponytail that goes over your own ponytail. I took it home and tried it. It was a little too heavy and it was way too long. I did some surgery on it and cut it in half and tried to clip it in around the base of my head like regular extensions. No too bad…LOL! It doesn't lay right on me since it was not really supposed to be used this way. I am now addicted to finding some extensions that are inexpensive and fun. I read the reviews on the Avon ones and they seem to be pretty good. I might try them. Anyone have any suggestions??
I went back and bought a different ponytail clip-in. I am so excited that I can look and feel better with some new hair : ) Now that is something good!
Happy Wednesday. Wow…I can’t believe that May is already over. Where did this month go?? June brings the end of the school year and the end of a chapter. Christopher will be graduating preschool and off to Kindergarten in September. I can’t even believe I am going to have a child in elementary school!! It is bittersweet to watch him grow and have so many new experiences. I am sure I will have plenty of posts in the future as I anxiously and nervously await September : )
Well, I am keeping it short today as I am participating this week in Daphne's ‘time of social media silence’ this week. You can read about it on her blog or see my post below.
But I did not want to let the week go by without announcing the winner of my purse organizer giveaway. There were only a few entries, so thanks to you that did enter. I know, I might not be the most popular kid at this school…LOL! And without further adue (spelled wrong??)…..
#1 CoastalPines says…
I'm excited to have a shot at the organizer ~ loved it the first time I saw it!
Congratulations Traci!! I will send you an email shortly. I used random.org to generate the number but have still not yet figured out how to take a pic of my screen…LOL!
Enjoy the rest of the week and I will be back on Monday!! I leave you with a few pics from our Memorial Day weekend….